Hi, I'm Fabian!

A young, self-taught Software Developer based in Germany.


That's Me ;)


About Me

That's me

Hi, I'm Fabian Kachlock, a 17 years old Software Developer from Germany with about 2.5 years of experience in iOS & web development.

What I do

When I'm developing for the web, I'm mainly working with some basic stuff like HTML, CSS & Javascript. But I also have some knowledge of jQuery, Typescript, or Frontend Frameworks like React or Angular. To complete the full stack, I know some basic PHP paired with MySQL databases. Meanwhile, for iOS, I'm using Swift with a Firebase Backend.

What I'm learning

I'm always ready to learn new stuff and get excited about new technologies. Currently, I'm expanding my backend knowledge with learning Golang. Also, I'm trying to improve my code quality by writing clean and consistent code or writing tests.