Bifurcation Diagram

Bifurcation Diagram

by Fabian Kachlock





The bifurcation diagram!

Lately, I did a small, funny project. The goal was to visualize a bifurcation. The bifurcation I was going to plot is one of the most famous ones: Its the bifurcation for the logistic map: xn+1=rxn(1xn)x_n+1 = r * x_n * ( 1 - x_n ). But before I’m going to talk about the program, I want to exemplify some of the mathematical backgrounds, without diving too deep into dynamic systems and chaos.

First of all, bifurcation is a period-doubling, which occurs while changing the control parameter. In my case, the control parameter is rr, and the bifurcation happens, like in many others, in a fixed ratio: the Feigbaum Constant. As you increase r by a tiny amount up to 4 you are going to see that at r=3r = 3, the graph splits into two. At r3.44r \approx 3.44, the graph forks into a period of 44. And so on until r3.5699r \approx 3.5699, then the deterministic chaos starts.


But where are these periods arising from?

For this question, we have to look at the function, which represents the logistic map from another angle. We can use the equation for calculation populations.

Here we have the function again: xn+1=rxn(1xn)x_n+1 = r * x_n * ( 1 - x_n ). xnx_n is the current population, but it doesn’t represent it in absolute value, rather in a relative amount to the theoretical maximum. For example, we let xnx_n be this year’s rabbit population of 0.50.5. The theoretical highest population possible is 11, due to nature factors like remaining space or whatever you can imagine. Now I want to calculate the population for next year.

For that, I have to know rr. In the case of population calculation, rr is considered as the growth rate. If we would only use the parameter rr, this would be a linear system. For 0<r<10 < r < 1, the population decreases over time and goes extinct at some point. For r>1r > 1, the population increases infinitely. In nature, this isn’t the case. Every year rabbits die, du enemies or old age. The term (1xn)(1 - x_n) represents this exact reduction. It also transforms this equation into a dynamic system. You also might notice that if the theoretical maximum of 11 gets reached, the population will go extinct next year.


Now we can have a look at a simple calculation example.

Let’s take a population of 0.40.4 with a growth rate of 22. If we put these values into the equation wwe will have a population of x=0.48x = 0.48 in the next year. A year later 0.49920.4992 and if you iterate over, and over, you will see, that the population stays at about 0.50.5, that means, the equilibrium population is 0.50.5. That’s the case for 1r<31 \leq r < 3, not 0.50.5 every time, but the equilibrium population will settle down at one value.

Here you can see, how the population evolves, for this exact parameter (r = 2).

At r=3r = 3, the first period-doubling happens. Now the equilibrium population alternates between two values back and forth.

Here we have a period of 2.

With r3.44r \approx 3.44, you are going to have a period of 44, the equilibrium population alternates between four values.

The next step is a period of 4.

A period of 8. It's crazy how a simple function like this can create patterns like these.

And for the grand final after r3.5699r \approx 3.5699, you have chaos.

Chaos! It's almost sad that nothing of this is random, just pure math.

Deterministic chaos, to be exact. Here you can find every period. Every xx you pick, is part of some period, whether one of 128128 or 13541354 or etc. It’s deterministic because theoretically, you can calculate the start value for every xx you pick on the graph and predict the next xx. Practically it isn’t possible because you would need xx to an infinite amount of decimal points.

Enough theory lets go on to the program! I wouldn’t make a post about it if the only thing the program does is plotting this perspective of the diagram, so let’s have a look at some features. I’ll be going to start with the basics, the only way for controlling the diagram/perspective is through the console of your browser. You can call a javascript function, to send instructions to the program.

Disclaimer: You need to be able to access the Console, to control the program.

The functions help() and zoomHelp() are going to give you a rough idea of the purposes of the functions, but here I’m going to explain it a little bit further.When you open up the script, the program memorizes the size of the browser window, because the size is needed for the calculation.The program doesn’t keep track of the size of your browser, so you have to reload the page or call resize() when you did resize your window. If you want to clear the screen, you have to call clearScreen().


Let’s look at the static plotting:

I have preprogrammed some functions into the source code so that you can have a look at some beautiful sections of the diagram without having to worry about plotting-parameters. These are plot() and plotPointx().

With plot(), you can have a look at the whole diagram. It shows you everything from r=2.9r = 2.9 to r=4r = 4. The start is only at r=2.9r = 2.9 because that’s where the real magic happens. Before you will only find a boring, ugly line.

With plotPointx() you have the options: plotPoint2(), plotPoint1(), plotPoint02(), plotPoint005(), plotPoint0001(), plotPoint00005(). The Numeric values represent fractions of rr. For example, by plotPoint02(), you are going to have a value r(0<r<4)r (0 < r < 4) at the left side of your screen and r+0.02r + 0.02 on the right side. For graphing, I have to iterate over the equation. How often I have to iterate tells me the variable iterations. Its default is 500000500000, but it can be changed with the setIterations(to). The argument to is going to be the new value for the iterations variable. The iterations are responsible for the density of the points. If you set it too high, it might take too long. If it’s too low, then you aren’t going to see too much.

With the plotRange() function, you can plot your very own section of the diagram. Therefore you have to pass at least 4 arguments. The first argument is called from here you have to give a value of rr between 00 and 44. This value is going to be on the left side of your screen. The second one is to, this closes the range of rr. This value is going to be the upper bound of iteration, you are going to see it on the right side of your screen, and it also shouldn’t be smaller than from.

The next two arguments are minX and maxX. These aren’t restricting x into a certain range, but they going to change the appearance of the diagram. For example, if you set the minX to 0.20.2 and the maxX to 0.60.6, you aren’t going to see points for 0<x<0.20 < x < 0.2 and 0.6<x<10.6 < x < 1, but these points gets drawn although. Setting these arguments to anything else than 00 and 11 prevents the diagram from stretching in particular by very small ranges of rr. The fifth parameter (iterations) is optional, and the sixth parameter (zoom) is only needed from the algorithm. If you want to know the current configuration of the diagram, you can call logPlot().

As you might recognized, there is also an ability for zooming. For activating the zoom mode, you have to call zoomIn() for zooming in or zoomOut() for zooming out. If you want to disable the zoom mode, you have to call disableZoom(). Zooming creates a pretty heavy workload because of that, the iterations for zooming are less (default: 250000250000). You can change them like you want with the setZoomIterations(to) function. Just pass the number of iterations as an argument. You can also change the zoom rate/factor with the setZoomRate(to) function, again pass the new factor as an argument. The zoom factor/rate is the multiplier for zooming, which means a zoom factor of 2 will scale the diagram by x2.

If you have one of the zoom Modes activated (booth work the same), you can zoom by clicking in the diagram. The location you clicked is going to be in the center after zooming. Because the control parameter rr is very sensitive and has to in the range of 0r<40 \leq r < 4, some weird stuff or nothing will happen if you leave this range. To prevent this, I recommend not zooming out from the normal stage (achieved with plot()) or “walk-around” with a zoom rate of 1 in rough stages of the diagram (a change of rr from left to right bigger than 0.10.1).

Here I have an example of what you can achieve with zooming.

That’s all of the functions. I hope you did understand my instruction for the program. The source code of the project is also on Github.